Friday, October 23, 2009

Happy Days.....Are Here Again....

This year has been tough. I've tried to spin it as many different ways as I can, but the truth of it is we've had our share of drama and then some in the past 12 months. As a means of self preservation, I've realised that simplicity and ritual are not only soothing for the children, but also for us adults. It's reassuring to find certainty and repetition in our life when eveything around us seems in turmoil.

I think that's why craft has become so central to my life, it's a tangible and productive past-time. It has been ever so productive of's my finished quilt for Rylan....

It started out as the kit called 'Toys for Boys' by Hatched and Patched. But Rylan outgrew his cot before I finished the quilt. So, I added a few panels, ran out of fabric, sourced some that matched, then hand quilted (for the first time) and now, he loves it. He has been a big part of the process, watching it grow and "helping" as only little people know how....

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